Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cloche Party!!

Thank you Marty for hosting this unique and creative party.It has taken me a few weeks to figure out just exactly what a "Cloche" is! After seeing all of Marty's lovelies, I think I might have an idea for some. So...I'm tired of this-

SNOW - and its April!
I'm ready for this-

Easter - with all the trimmings...
But my heart is set on this-

Opening Day of Baseball Season!!!


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh how fun. I love the snow, and the eggs are just gorgeous. The jar full of baseballs really does say spring. This is just wonderful. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Very clever post!


Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

How fun! My dad would love the baseballs. Thanks for your very sweet visit.

Sandra said...

How fun using the baseballs in the jar...that sure says spring training and summer games. Hope your AD girls love the Tea Party idea.

Sandra said...

Thanks for stopping by again to say hi!

Jenny said...

Neat vignette. I like the glittery and the glass together.


Hi. Thanks for visiting. You're right; you can never go wrong with toile! I love toile!
~ Julie

Heidi said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, and entering my giveaway! Love the b/balls in the jar! Heidi

AntiqueChase said...

Thanks for stopping by to comment. I tried to reply but you have your email turned off in google.

Vilate Thacker said...

found ya. :) And Shoot you have some BEAUTIFUL stuff. When I am done with diapers I want to come play. :) I need to show you some of my ornies. :)

Marlis said...

Love the baseballs!!! I must do that. I think there is a big bucket full of them in the garage. Cloches are so much fun. thanks for sharing.